Maxmind no longer supports the "legacy" format of their database. We need to move to the "new" format as soon as possible. This is currently breaking user's installations.
To use the new format we must switch to xtables-addons-3.2. This version uses the new format. Caveat: changelog reads "v3.2 (2018-09-07) ================= Changes: - rework xt_geoip_build to scan the immediate directory for .csv, not to scan for GeoLite2-Country-CSV_\d+. v3.1 (2018-08-14) ================= Enhancements: - support for Linux 4.17, 4.18 v3.0 (2018-02-12) ================= Enhancements: - support for Linux 4.15, 4.16 Changes: - remove support for Linux 3.7--4.14" We use Linux 4.14 now.
The patchset has been sent to the develoment mailing list.
This has been fixed with C127: