Bug 13802 - The DHCP protocol contains error messages for each reserved IP that the DHCP server cannot add a forward map
Summary: The DHCP protocol contains error messages for each reserved IP that the DHCP ...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: IPFire
Classification: Unclassified
Component: --- (show other bugs)
Version: 2
Hardware: unspecified Unspecified
: - Unknown - Aesthetic Issue
Assignee: Assigned to nobody - feel free to grab it and work on it
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Reported: 2024-12-20 11:13 UTC by Daniel Weismüller
Modified: 2024-12-22 12:11 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Daniel Weismüller 2024-12-20 11:13:19 UTC
The DHCP protocol contains error messages for each reserved IP that the DHCP server cannot add a forward map.

see some examples:
12:07:13 dhcpd:  Unable to add forward map from ecb5fa15bcf0.lan.whity to operation canceled
12:07:04 dhcpd:  Unable to add forward map from Denon-AVR-X1800H.lan.whity to operation canceled
12:02:59 dhcpd:  Unable to add forward map from INGRO-Backup2.lan.whity to operation canceled
12:01:37 dhcpd:  Unable to add forward map from BRWAC50DE0D156F.lan.whity to operation canceled

Bug 13801 and this one together bloat up the dhcp log to over 10000 entries every day.
Comment 1 Adolf Belka 2024-12-20 13:56:23 UTC
Are these for fixed leases? I don't see any of these and also not the sort of messages that are in the other bug either.

My total dhcp log has between 10 and 155 entries per day since the start of December.

I only have fixed leases on my system. I have no dynamic leases issued unless I have visitors that then get put on the blue network with the dynamic allocation.

I checked the entries for the whole of December and the words forward or cancelled don't appear at all in my dhcp log on my production IPFire.
Comment 2 Adolf Belka 2024-12-22 12:11:41 UTC
I have tried a range of different setups on my system and none of them have ended up recreating those messages.

I will have to leave it for someone else to help with.