Bug 13628 - Block of (freedns.afraid)
Summary: Block of (freedns.afraid)
Alias: None
Product: Location Database
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Database (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: unspecified Unspecified
: - Unknown - - Unknown -
Assignee: Peter Müller
QA Contact: Michael Tremer
Depends on:
Reported: 2024-03-10 13:50 UTC by Carlo
Modified: 2024-03-11 10:35 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:

Log error (81.48 KB, image/png)
2024-03-10 13:50 UTC, Carlo

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Description Carlo 2024-03-10 13:50:40 UTC
Created attachment 1490 [details]
Log error

It seems that my IPFire is blocking "," which seems to be the IP of my DDNS "https://freedns.afraid.org/"
And indeed, the "afraid.org" service no longer works for me.
In the IPFire forum, it turned out, "...so there seems to have been an error in creating the XD category of DROP HOSTILE from the spamhaus lists......"
Here are photos for better understanding....
I thank you for your attention, Carlo.
Comment 1 Adolf Belka 2024-03-10 14:02:35 UTC
I believe this is a problem with the location database.

Running location lookup

  Network                 :
  Country                 : United States of America
  Autonomous System       : AS17048 - Awknet Communications, LLC
  Hostile Network safe to drop: yes

but the network is not in either the spamhaus drop or edrop list when I checked them.

Trying to access the https://freedns.afraid.org website results in a DROP_HOSTILE block as shown by @Carlo.
Comment 2 Arne.F 2024-03-10 14:28:02 UTC
AS17048 - Awknet Communications, LLC is listed on SPAMHAUS ASN-DROP list.
Comment 3 Adolf Belka 2024-03-10 14:37:27 UTC
I checked using the drop.txt and edrop.txt lists but I remember now that it was mentioned the lists were being provided via json now.

So freedns/afraid.org must be getting hosted on a system that also houses bad actors. Not a good choice by them then.
Comment 4 Michael Tremer 2024-03-11 10:35:37 UTC
This is very interesting. I can confirm that we are correctly adding Awknet Communications to the drop list. This is due to parsing Spamhaus' feed.

Sadly we don't really know why Spamhaus is blocking this provider, but generally they don't take decisions like this one very lightly. It is not about blocking one IP address, it is blocking the entire provider.

Many other providers use the same source and will drop any traffic that is going to either of those networks (hence it is called DROP list).

So, even if we would manually remove the block from our database, you or the people who try to resolve your dynamic DNS name will have problems due to FreeDNS being hosted there.

So I would recommend to switch to another dynamic DNS provider.