When accessing a malicious IP (tested with, which is listed as a C&C server in the Emerging Treats botcc ruleset) from a network behind IPFire (i.e. GREEN), snort triggers an alert: Date: 10/26 20:40:01 Name: ET CNC Shadowserver Reported CnC Server TCP group 27 Priority: 1 Type: A Network Trojan was Detected IP Info: 87.173.XXX.XXX:37687 -> SID: 2404052 Refs: http://www.shadowserver.org, http://doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/BotCC However, since the source IP addres is the firewall itself, Guardian does nothing. The client is able to access the C&C IP. Guardian should check if a snort alert is triggered because of the _destination_ IP. If yes, and it does not belong to the DNS servers or the machine's gateway, the destiation IP should be blocked. I consider this bug being a security risk.
WIP, see: https://wiki.ipfire.org/devel/telco/2017-11-06
- ping -
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 10273 ***