When configuring or editing a network in the "Wireless Client" section of the GUI, it is unclear whether choosing a higher priority setting (larger number) makes it more or less likely that a network will be chosen. Perhaps a clarifying note alongside that section of the form stating something along the lines of "Networks with a higher priority setting will be attempted before/after those with a lower setting." would be helpful.
Please check if this is a better solution: http://git.ipfire.org/?p=ipfire-2.x.git;a=commitdiff;h=f34844355bf8ce1c5239301fedc98f38ba765d5e
Michael: That looks like a perfect solution, though I lack the know-how to make it work for testing. I edited '/srv/web/ipfire/cgi-bin/wirelessclient.cgi', which causes the parentheses to be displayed, but I am apparently not properly editing the language files for the translations. More specifically, the only 'en.pl' and 'de.pl' files I can find on my system (using updatedb and locate) are located in '/var/ipfire/langs/', and making the changes in those files does not seem to have any effect. What am I doing wrong?
You did it right. Just run "update-lang-cache" to update the language cache and the strings should show up. Thanks for testing!
Thanks, Michael. Just tried it again and that looks like an excellent solution. Thank you for the quick turnaround!