Bug 10275

Summary: New check_mk agent Addon
Product: IPFire Reporter: Timo Eissler <morlix>
Component: ---Assignee: Michael Tremer <michael.tremer>
Status: CLOSED FIXED QA Contact:
Severity: - Unknown -    
Priority: - Unknown - CC: arne.fitzenreiter, michael.tremer, morlix, stefan.schantl
Version: 2   
Hardware: unspecified   
OS: Unspecified   
Attachments: check_mk_agent-1.2.0_p3.ipfire

Description Timo Eissler 2013-01-02 13:35:15 UTC
Created attachment 106 [details]


i created a addon for check_mk agent, so that nagios/icinga users can check their ipfire via the much better check_mk agent instead of nrpe or ssh direct.

Please note, as xinetd is missing in ipfire the agent is only usable via ssh.
Comment 1 Timo Eissler 2013-01-02 13:39:05 UTC
Created attachment 107 [details]
Comment 2 Michael Tremer 2013-02-08 11:02:56 UTC
Isn't there an initscript required to run the agent or how does it work?

The patch looks good and I would like to merge it soon.
Comment 3 Timo Eissler 2013-02-08 16:23:17 UTC
No, there is no need for an init script, because the check_mk-agent should either be run via xinetd or via ssh.

I added my ipfire box via ssh as there is no xinetd for ipfire.

If someone need more detailed instructions on how to do that take a look at http://mathias-kettner.de/checkmk_datasource_programs.html
Comment 4 Michael Tremer 2013-02-08 17:29:15 UTC
Stefan Weichinger recently built xinetd, because it is used by some other things like amanda. Maybe you want to have a look at this.

I'll merge the check_mk patch soon. Could you please start documentation on our wiki?
Comment 5 Timo Eissler 2013-02-08 17:56:37 UTC
Ok i will add a wiki page as soon as possible.
Maybe i could start and finish it this weekend if i find the time.
Comment 6 Timo Eissler 2013-02-08 18:03:18 UTC
What do you prefer, a german or a english wiki page?
Comment 7 Timo Eissler 2013-02-09 11:51:58 UTC
Ok i added a english and german page about check_mk to the wiki, but as the original check_mk documentation is mainly in english i just recommend the user on the german addon page to read the english one.
Comment 8 Michael Tremer 2013-02-09 18:55:48 UTC
I was just about to merge your patch, when I stumbled upon something: You don't build the agent from source. You should do that. Source is available.
Comment 9 Timo Eissler 2013-02-09 22:41:31 UTC
The patch i provided just provides the check_mk-agent which is only a bash script, so i don't understand how i should build a bash script from source ?
Comment 10 Timo Eissler 2013-02-09 22:44:22 UTC
Or do you mean the provided waitmax file? This is a statically compiled binary shipped with check_mk?
Comment 11 Michael Tremer 2013-02-14 13:03:02 UTC
My mistake. It's alright.

I thought that check_mk-agent.linux was a statically linked binary blob.
Comment 13 Stefan Schantl 2014-05-10 17:13:24 UTC
Addon is available in the Testing Tree.